Monday, March 14, 2011

Book review - "What your CPA isn't telling you" by Mark J. Kohler

Taxes are the largest single expense we have in our lives. To me, if you are not actively planning and strategizing to minimize your tax liability, you are throwing money away. The CPA I have been working with for 5 years now, Mark J. Kohler, has just written a book entitled "What Your CPA isn't Telling You - Life Changing Tax Strategies." When I saw this was available I immediately ordered it as I know from my experience as his client, Mark is always on the cutting edge of tax and business strategy. Two days later it showed up in the mail. I literally tore into it the moment I got it and read it in one sitting. Now, I am an admitted tax and investment nerd, so take this with at least a small grain of salt. However, this book is not a dry manual on how to prepare for taxes. Mark does a wonderful job of relating his strategies to a fictional family scenario that makes this book a quick and engaging read. Mark's strategies are powerful and effective, but they do require some diligence and effort on our part to implement. This book isn't "check a different box on your taxes and save money." The story takes you through a family's journey of re-evaluating the way they run the "business" of their family. There is work and effort involved, but in the end the family learns to save on taxes doing things that they were already doing, enhances their wealth building efforts and grows closer through the lessons involved in running a family business. I highly recommend it to anyone serious about saving and planning for a comfortable retirement. Some of Mark's strategies include:

Starting a small business

The power of investment real estate

Understanding HSA's and saving on our health care

Self-directing your assets for retirement

Now some of these things may frighten you, but give this book a read with an open mind and I promise you will find something worth your while.


  1. Oh my gosh Drake!!! I love your review. I'm glad someone is actually reading the book once they get it. lol <:) What a wonderfully written review, I need to have you help me with my next book. DITTO on all of your takeaways. THANK YOU!!! Mark Kohler.

  2. Thanks for recommending this book. We are definitely going to check it out!
